23 January 2013

Domain Name Hijacking

InfoSec Institute Resources – Domain Name Hijacking – Domain Slamming: " . . . There are numerous ways to protect your domain from slamming attempts, but nothing can substitute for being reasonable and cautious. These traits alone will suffice in some situations; however, they will not make you immune towards slamming attempts. This is why one should further educate himself on the topic and take the necessary measures to make his online presence secure. To put it all in a nutshell, effective preemptive measures include:
Privatizing your domain information.
Using domain locking.
Carefully selecting a registrar.
Hiring a person in charge of the domain registration.
Always renewing your domain name(s) early so you do not get renewal notices from third-parties.
Not giving any account or personal information to anybody after registering your domain.
Managing and storing wisely your auth-info code and making sure that such code is required for a transferal of your domain. . . ."

How does the Internet work?: "The computer you're trying to contact is running a piece of software called a Web server, which manages incoming connections and finds and returns those HTML files that other computers are requesting. The Web server knows where to send the page you requested because your computer (or smartphone) — like every other device connected to the Internet — has what's called an Internet Protocol number, or IP address. An IP address looks like this — — and it's assigned by your ISP. Depending upon your connection, your device might get a different IP each time you log online. The computer hosting the website you're trying to get has an IP address, too. In fact, the domain name of every website is simply an English-language alias for the domain's IP address. After all, it's much easier to remember www.violinist.com than it is to remember . . . "

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