Domain Name For Sale Exclusively with DomainAdvisors
The Providence Journal
"Domain names like have a strong and memorable branding association and offer significant advantages to online businesses," said Tessa Holcomb, CEO of DomainAdvisors. "Good branding will make your name memorable, but a memorable...

The Providence Journal
P&G found guilty of 'reverse domain name hijacking'
Business Courier of Cincinnati (blog)
P&G claimed that Marchex had "no rights or legitimate interests in the disputed domain name," according to a document from the Geneva-based World Intellectual Property Organization, or WIPO. The agency, part of the United Nations, provides arbitration ...
Company that owns files for bankruptcy
Domain Name Wire
Company that owns files for bankruptcy · Chicago man owns · Want to sell your new TLD through Go Daddy? KISS. Here's the biggest issue facing the domain ...UDRP decision · How is this “confusingly similar”? CSC buys ...
Amazon, Authors Battle Over '.Book' Domain Name
The Authors Guild has formally objected to Amazon's plans to take control of a new website domaindedicated to books. They say it is inappropriate for a private company to control such an important (and generic) domain name. The dispute centers on the ...
Lawsuit filed to halt transfer after UDRP decision - Domain ...
Bayoubuzz (subscription)
Although it may have a point about how the domain is generic, the plaintiff again avoids disclosing when exactly it acquired the domain name. In its UDRP response, Technology Online says thedomain was registered in 1998. It says the same thing in the ...
Frank Schilling Rolls Out Automated Finance System On
Of course like all such programs, ownership of the domain stays with Name Adminstration pending completion of the final lease payment. Upon making the last payment the buyer will get ownership of the domain name. There is no minimum or maximum ...
Koutoujian: Site name 'just part of preparations' for congressional run
MetroWest Daily News
Middlesex Sheriff Peter Koutoujian says he protected a web domain name as part of his preparations to run for Congress should U.S. Rep. Edward Markey of Malden win election to the US Senate in June. During an interview March 7 on WCAP-980AM, the ..., the First Domain Registered on the Internet Celebrates its 28th ...
The Edwardsville Intelligencer
Have you ever wondered what the first domain name ever registered was? The answer:, which dates back to 1985. The name was originally registered by the Symbolics Computer Corporation based out of Massachusetts. Symbolics was ...
More Companies Adopt .rw Domain
"Utilising our country's internet domain name promotes creation of local content, enhances cyber security and efficiently ranks Rwanda's web content on to search engines." RICTA is a non-profit making organisation representing the Rwandan Internet ...
TRAFFIC Auction Accepting Submissions
Elliot's Blog (blog)
If you are interested in having your domain name(s) listed for sale at the TRAFFIC conference auction in Las Vegas, right now is the time to submit them. Submissions are being accepted for a week (or less). The conference will be held from May 29 ...
African domain-name registrars have mixed reaction to ICANN push ...
While the imitative is badly needed, increasing the number of registrars isn't a cure-all, one says.
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