Python Software Foundation News: Python trademark at risk in Europe: We need your help!: "There is a company in the UK that is trying to trademark the use of the term "Python" for all software, services, servers... pretty much anything having to do with a computer. Specifically, it is the company that got a hold on the domain 13 years ago. At that time we weren't looking a lot at trademark issues, and so we didn't get that domain. This hasn't been an issue since then because the domain has, for most of its life, just forwarded its traffic on to the parent companies, and Unfortunately, Veber has decided that they want to start using the name "Python" for their server products. We contacted the owners of repeatedly and tried to discuss the matter with them. They blew us off and responded by filing the community trademark application claiming the exclusive right to use "Python" for software, servers, and web services - everywhere in Europe. We got legal counsel in the UK and we (the PSF) are opposing the community trademark application, but our own trademark application hasn't yet matured. Accordingly, we are going with the trademark rights we have developed through using "Python" consistently over the past 20 years. . . ."
Xbox 720 Release Date Rumors: April Unveiling, Domain Name ...
Latinos Post
There's some more evidence for an upcoming Xbox announcement, as it has recently been revealed that Eventcore, a company that organizes media events, has registered the domain name A NeoGaf forum thread states that Eventcore only...
Latinos Post
PT says Norwegian top level domain name is secure
Telecompaper (subscription)
Norwegian postal and telecoms watchdog PT said it is satisfied with the security and stability of the country's top level internet domain, dot no, which is managed by Uninett Norid. PT sent the registry a list of questions in winter 2012 and Norid ...
Complainant found guilty of reverse domain name hijacking
World Trademark Review (subscription)
In a particularly long decision issued by the National Arbitration Forum (NAF) in accordance with the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), a provider of pet transportation services, Airpet Animal Transport Inc, was denied the transfer ...
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