DNS, DoS attacks, internet addresses
The Economist explains: How does an internet name become an internet address? | The Economist:
" . . . the underlying problem remains. DNS can still be poisoned through computer viruses that affect local networks or compromised servers that have their DNS subverted. Beyond poisoning, simpler attacks work too: China's recent outage occurred because of a denial-of-service (DoS) attack against one of its top-level DNS hosts, overloading it with bogus traffic and preventing people from performing DNS lookups. . . ."
more news links below
expVC.com Domain Name News Archive
- ICANN, new gTLDs, malicious activity
- Domain Names, hijacking, abuse
- Apothecarie, dot com Domain Change
- DNS, DoS attacks, internet addresses
- Protecting Brands, Trademarks
- RDNH, HallofShame.com, Rick Schwartz
- USPTO, Applications for Marks Comprised of gTLDs
- New gTLDs, fraud, criminals, ICANN
- Verisign wins objection against dot ecom
- Choosing A Brandable Domain Name
- Companies lock Web domains after New York Times hack
- Domain name registration, trademark infringement, ...
- ICANN blasted for new gTLDs expansion
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