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In big win for Europe, ICANN's Governmental Advisory Committee elects Thomas Schneider as Chair & defeats US-backed candidate #ICANN51
— Milton Mueller (@miltonmueller) October 15, 2014
Congrats T Schneider, new chair @ICANN GAC. Hope change means more consensual, accountable, international system in time of change. #ICANN51
— Neelie Kroes (@NeelieKroesEU) October 15, 2014
#ICANN51 GAC: Based on today’s session, USA proposes holding a much longer session w the community on #newgTLDs & geo names at ICANN52
— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) October 15, 2014
IPC and @ipjustice both very concerned about GAC draft proposal on Geographic Names. Thanks GAC for bringing us together! #ICANN51
— Greg Shatan (@GSS1958) October 15, 2014
Iran requests #ICANN51 GAC Communique inc. txt urging govts to actively participate in #IANAsteward processes, particularly CCWG on names
— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) October 15, 2014
Three new GAC Vice-Chairs: Argentina, Namibia, Spain #ICANN51
— Tim Unwin (@TimUnwin) October 15, 2014
GAC’s new Vice-Chairs for the coming year:
- Olga Cavalli
- Henri Kassen
- Gema Campillos Gonzales #ICANN51
— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) October 15, 2014
An average of only 118 Sunrise registrations to date. Highest was 713. #ICANN #NewgTLD
— Jim Prendergast (@jimpren) October 15, 2014
#ccnso #icann51 participants in the room in favour of robust redress mechanism for #IANAsteward
— Mathieu Weill (@mathieuweill) October 15, 2014
#ICANN51 @raulecheberria: fears some parts of #netgov community underestimate importance of UNGA #WSIS+10 event in December 2015
— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) October 16, 2014
Another #ICANN Board member has resigned. What is going on?
— Kieren McCarthy (@kierenmccarthy) October 16, 2014
Interest high in the #ICANN operating plan process at #ICANN51
— Kieren McCarthy (@kierenmccarthy) October 15, 2014
Another #QOTW RT @Jay_Daley ccNSO /Churchill: "Multistakeholderism is the worst way to run the Internet, except for all the others" #ICANN51
— Mathieu Weill (@mathieuweill) October 15, 2014
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Oh dear god if I must keep listening to how groups are going to be formed to talk about other groups in infinite regress I may eat my arms
— Maria Farrell (@mariafarrell) October 14, 2014
#GAC vote at #ICANN51:
— Kieren McCarthy (@kierenmccarthy) October 14, 2014
Congrats to Swiss gov rep Thomas Schneider, who was just elected new GAC Chair. #icann51
— Thomas Rickert (@ThomasRickert) October 14, 2014
Registrars tell #ICANN51 Board that "independent" Board members needed - NomCom reflects #ICANN politicized war of constituencies
— Domain Mondo (@DomainMondo) October 14, 2014
.@quinalty @africa_it_w Cross Community Working Group on Accountability will decide which issues belong in which work stream+part of charter
— ICANN President (@icann_president) October 14, 2014
Oh great, we've got to the bit where the Board complains it's not allowed to have ideas or share them. Poor Board. Nobody listens.
— Maria Farrell (@mariafarrell) October 14, 2014
ICANN's board is prickly and defensive and seems to be unable to field concerns without caricaturing or twisting the arguments #ICANN51
— Milton Mueller (@miltonmueller) October 14, 2014
Dear #icann board, you are not 'like everyone else'. You are in a uniquely privileged and powerful position. Power relations exist. Own it.
— Maria Farrell (@mariafarrell) October 14, 2014
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Budgeted revenue of #ICANN decreased $10 million - #ICANN51 news conference - disappointing sales #newgTLD #domains
— Domain Mondo (@DomainMondo) October 13, 2014
Great work on #ianasteward by US stakeholders to make sure no substantive issue gets discussed and the process derails. Predictable.
— Mathieu Weill (@mathieuweill) October 13, 2014
Note reference of ICANN CEO to "our industry" ! #ICANN is an Industry Trade Association #ICANN51
— Domain Mondo (@DomainMondo) October 13, 2014
This infomercial did NOT say 'The #gnso review is a whitewash, a missed opportunity and a purposely Board-directed effort to ignore probs'.
— Maria Farrell (@mariafarrell) October 13, 2014
#ICANN51 @PennyPritzker spoke abt Net takeover props at @ITU #PP14. I’ve read most props. They’re not so bad. Seen more extreme ones in past
— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) October 13, 2014
Question for @PennyPritzker : Does US government oversight of #ICANN = government control of the #internet ? #ICANN51
— Domain Mondo (@DomainMondo) October 13, 2014
Preaching to the Choir and Tooting Her Own Horn at #ICANN51 @PennyPritzker sidesteps #NSA issues and who will protect us from #ICANN
— Domain Mondo (@DomainMondo) October 13, 2014
@sgdickinson fatigue....
— Mathieu Weill (@mathieuweill) October 13, 2014
@mathieuweill Given it’s only Monday, that doesn’t bode well for the rest of the week.
— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) October 13, 2014
#ICANN51 2 workstreams: (1) #IANA transition (including direct accountability for IANA performance) and (2) #ICANN Accountability
— Greg Shatan (@GSS1958) October 13, 2014
#ICANN51 L Strickling: I thought it was already clear, but to restate it again, #IANAsteward & #ICANN accountability streams are related.
— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) October 13, 2014
Strickling of @NTIAgov now running headlong away from the September 30 2015 deadline for #IANASteward transition #ICANN51
— Milton Mueller (@miltonmueller) October 13, 2014
Bientôt 600 000 #NomsDomaine en @xyz de quoi voir des anges violets à #icann51 ! #expression #JePrefereMonJob
— Registrar ICANN (@ProDomaines) October 13, 2014
The CWG at #ICANN51 needs many more can-do people and far fewer "let me think out loud" folk #IANA #ICANN
— Kieren McCarthy (@kierenmccarthy) October 13, 2014
GNSO: #newgTLD #domains unrecognized by many browsers, software, apps - IP addresses and TLDs are NEVER guaranteed #ICANN51 #ICANN
— Domain Mondo (@DomainMondo) October 12, 2014
Just blogged: The cauldron begins to bubble - update on the IANA transition #ICANN51
— Milton Mueller (@miltonmueller) October 12, 2014
#ICANNisBroken El dominio '.gay', a subasta al mejor postor @ICANN @dotgay
— RAGAP España (@ragap_es) October 12, 2014
#ICANN51 GAC, China: ICG defined 3 functions for #IANAsteward transition prop: protocol parameters, names & numbers. What about root zone?
— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) October 12, 2014
#ICANN51 GAC, Brazil: if we limit #IANAsteward to compliance w NTIA conditions, we miss opportunity to address global ICANN accountability.
— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) October 12, 2014
List of govts wishing to speak at #ICANN51 GAC discussion on #IANAsteward is getting longer & longer. 2.5 hr session won’t be long enough.
— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) October 12, 2014
#ICANN51 GAC, Portugal: what’s still unknown is the future of #ICANN - how to resolve fact it operates under Californian law. 2/2
— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) October 12, 2014
#ICANN51 GAC, France: supports Brazil & Portuga - not possible to consider #IANAsteward w/o also including #ICANN accountability in package.
— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) October 12, 2014
#ICANN51 GAC, France: #ICANN accountability critical. Europe's experience shows appeal mechanisms aren’t credible, fair or accessible to all
— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) October 12, 2014
#ICANN51 GAC, France: GAC development of #IANAsteward principles is good idea, but also needs to include accountability reform too.
— Samantha Dickinson (@sgdickinson) October 12, 2014
New gTLDs Cause ICANN To Appoint Chief Contract Compliance Officer #newgTLD #domains #ICANN #ICANN51
— Domain Mondo (@DomainMondo) October 13, 2014
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